In the aftermath of the destruction caused by hurricanes Katrina and Rita, Cooling Towers of Oklahoma has developed and implemented an Emergency and Disaster Response Plan. This plan is designed to ensure that materials, manpower and other resources are immediately available to achieve one simple objective; bringing your facility back online as quickly as possible. In the wake of most hurricane seasons, many essential materials are in short supply. With the approach of every yearly hurricane season, Cooling Towers of Oklahoma dramatically increases its stock of these materials in an effort to have them instantly available to our customers. We have expanded our recruitment efforts and our portfolio of qualified craftsmen. This allows Cooling Towers of Oklahoma to deploy professional, competent cooling tower repair crews nationwide, usually within 24 hours or less or as soon as safely possible. In most instances the timing of the actual repairs is determined by the availability of the specific material required for the repairs and not on the availability of the labor crew. If a shortage of manpower does occur priority will be given to the emergency repairs. Labor crews will be pulled from non-emergency work to work on emergency repairs. In this type of situation Cooling Towers of Oklahoma will provide reinforcements to the non-emergency repairs to minimize the impact of temporarily loosing labor resources to the emergency repairs. The destruction to essential infrastructure caused by hurricanes usually results in a breakdown of basic services. Food, lodging, utilities, fuel, and other items necessary for the support of relief efforts are not available in impact zones, sometimes for extended periods. Cooling Towers of Oklahoma logistical support system provides the materials needed to keep relief and rebuilding efforts proceeding with maximum efficiency. Fuel storage and electrical generation capabilities to power small tools and heavy equipment have been established. All of these efforts are directed toward the accomplishment of one goal; to get your facility back into production and minimize lost revenue due to down time.
Our Emergency and Disaster Response Plan was conceived through lessons learned providing emergency services to customers in times past. Following hurricanes Rita and Katrina, Cooling Towers of Oklahoma provided services to companies such as Valero, Shell-Motiva, BASF, Wheelabrator and more. Over 25,000 man hours and the rebuilding of 16 towers in a hurricane impact zone exposed the many, varied and serious problems involved in supporting such and effort. This plan is designed to provide preemptive solutions to unforeseen issues allowing the repair of your facility to proceed with all possible speed. Hurricanes and other natural disaster cause billions of dollars in damage to industries along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts each year. The unfortunate reality is that someone somewhere will almost certainly be hit by a major hurricane along the gulf coast during any given hurricane season. If you find yourself and your facility facing a natural disaster such as this, Cooling Towers of Oklahoma stands ready and able to assist you with preparations before hand and repair and rebuilding afterward.
We have a reputation of excellence, reliability and superior customer service. We would like to demonstrate to you that true quality workmanship is second nature to our crews and management team. We look forward to servicing your needs!
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